Saturday, 5 May 2018

vitamin C

Vitamin c is the most essential micronutrient available in food sources due to its various amazing functions performed inside the human body.

what is vitamin C?
Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid & L ascorbic acid and it is found in food sources. Vitamin C is required daily by human body because it is a water-soluble vitamin.

Functions & benefits of  Vitamin C:-
1. Vitamin C forms collagen
    Vitamin C is required for the formation of collagen (a type of protein), which helps to maintain skin, teeth, gums, tendons & ligaments.

2. Vitamin C aids to healing wounds quicker.

3. Vitamin C is required to form neurotransmitters i.e dopamine in the brain.
4. Vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant which reduces the damage of cells due to free radicals,  Vitamin C improves the immune system, repair tissues & it also reduces the damage to the body from toxic substances and chemical.

5. Vitamin C aids in the absorption of Iron.

Symptoms of Vitamin C deficiency
1. Prone to infections

2. Slower healing of wounds.

3. Dental & gum problem.
4. Fatigue

5. Loss of appetite.

6. Dry skin.

7. Painful joints.

8. Anemia

9. Slower metabolism.

10. Scarvy disease.

Sources of vitamin C are:-

1. Capsicum(red, green & yellow)

2.Citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit etc)

3. Fruits (papaya, pineapple, strawberries, blueberries etc )

4. Vegetables (broccali, spinach , tomato etc)

The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) gives the value of daily intake of Vitamin C for adults are:-
male :- 90 mg per day
female :- 75 mg per day







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