Tuesday, 28 November 2017


The primary & foremost source of energy for human body is carbohydrates. Body can easily break carbs in it’s smaller molecules (as glucose or simple sugar) to utilise it as an  energy. Each gram of carbs yield 4 calories of energy.Our brain only uses glucose for it’s functioning  or  as a fuel which is driven only by carbohydrates intake. 

Carbohydrates also act as fuel storage when the glucose present in it is converted in glycogen (a chain of glucose) by the  process called glycogenesis which is stored in muscles (mainly 80 % )and liver (mainly 18 %).

When human exceed the supply or intake of carbohydrates (when glycogen stores are completely get filled ) body convert that extra amount of carbs or glucose into fat cells. fat cells are like secondary source of fuel for human body , it comes to action when body is running in starvation mode (no carbs & protein ). The fat cells are stored beneath our skin inside the adipose tissues. Fats can yield 9 calories for each gram.

But the most tragic part is to access the fat and use it to  provide us energy as fat break down is very tedious process and fat must convert to triglycerides first and bring back to blood to be burn by body mainly muscles.

Carbohydrate is divided into two groups :-

Simple carbs contains monosaccharide (which is glucose), fructose which drives from fruits and disaccharides which are composed of two monosaccharides (example sucrose (drives from table sugar) and lactose (drives from milk )).

When simple carbs are consumed it quickly converted into glucose readily available for energy but this has :-

- low nutrition value or contain empty calories
- more prone to convert into fat if not utilised within 2 hours
- cause large discharge of insulin from pancreas which also      fluctuate wildly

example :- table sugar etc

Disadvantage of taking excess simples carbohydrates are:-
-they can cause food cravings 
- upsets your energy level
- insulin spike
- convert into stored body fats


Complex carbohydrates contain polysaccharides which is composed of many glucose units bounded together, due to there complex structure they take longer time to absorb and digest which keep our blood sugar level and insulin stable thus enhancing glycogen synthesis.
They are often referred to as starch which is found in vegetables  fruits and grains 
example :- brown rice , oats etc 

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