Monday, 27 November 2017

components of energy requirements

There are various component of energy requirement :-

The activity for human survival is basal metabolism ,it is the must amount of energy requirement to maintain the body present  size and proportion. It is the amount of energy which body spent during rest to maintain it's bodily composition.

Basal metabolism function are the cell functions and replacement , recreation of enzymes and hormones , maintenance of body temperature , brain function , nervous system function etc.

Term basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of energy used over a long period of time for the basal metabolism to function.

It is measured in both standard and normal condition which include being awake in the standing position , sleeping and mentally  relaxing position. Depending on various factors such as age , lifestyle body size and gender the basal metabolic rate represents or take up the 45 % -70% of the total energy expenditure .

How physically active you are is directly related to your energy expenditure , if you being very active you require high energy intake to cope up with the your activity level but when you remain most of the time in inactive mode the energy expenditure will be less ,thus if you have eaten more calories  than your body can burn or more than it's total energy expenditure  then  you are definitely  going to store "fat.

It can be classified in two category :-
I. Obligatory activity
it is being a normal daily activity performed by us which can't be avoided i.e brushing the teeth , bathing etc

II. Discretionary activity
 It involve being in physically active state by performing various physical activity like sporting , swimming , gymming etc. This also being an essential for living a healthy & quality lifestyle.

Eating requires energy for to digest , absorb , transportation of nutrients. This process increase the production  of heat and oxygen consumption ,it is also known as dietary induced thermogenesis.

This will take up to 10 % of daily expenditure .

To synthesis new growing tissues the energy is needed but in adults the loss of energy in growth is only 1% of daily energy expenditure.

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