Wednesday, 27 December 2017

weight loss tricks


Weight gain / fat gain  is becoming a part of modern lifestyle today,our daily habits busy schedules are imparting us with really serious diseases like obesity, cardiovascular diseases etc. The problem is that we know that our daily habits i.e food , physical etc are not great enough to impart us with great health but we are still continues with those.
            Don’t just sit and wait for the miracle to happen. Take the 100 % responsibility for what the shape you have today and transform it into a shape of your dream. Leave your excuses, leave your comfort zone and believe that you can loose those extra unwanted weight you have put on. If you have decided to loose those extra pounds this article will surely going to help you out in your mission.

The five main factors for weight gain and their control are here :-


Every individual in this planet has a particular body’s maintenance calories. Maintenance calories means what amount of calories you daily require to maintain the same physique which you are having now.

Maintenance calories depends upon age, height and weight. As every person is differ in these criteria thus there maintenance calories differ. It can be calculated by different nutritional parametric formula according to different  age groups & gender.
example :-

age 18 -30 

(14.4 X WEIGHT (kg)+ 313 X HEIGHT (m)+113)x PAL=

(10.4 X WEIGHT(kg) +615 X HEIGHT(m)-282)
x PAL=

PAL is physical activity level 
for very active person it is 2.0
for active person it is 1.8
for moderately active it is 1.6
for less active person it is 1.4

Thus there is a very simple concept that if you consume more than body’s maintenance calories you will definitely going to gain weight no matter how clean and healthy you eat.

for example if your body’s maintenance calories are 2000 daily and you eat 2500 calories daily than you will definitely going to gain weight as 500 surplus calories will store as fat for future use.


Just take your daily calories according to your maintenance calories only , it will maintain you in good shape. If you have already gained a lot of weight then just cut 500 calories from your maintenance calories  you will soon come to a good shape after few months.


In todays world people have just start cutting out their physical activity as they grow or getting maturity age.Thus resulting in weight gain as the extra calories you consuming will convert into stored fat if you not burn it with the help of physical activities.

There is an interesting fact that I am going to tell you that you all are familiar with GROWTH HORMONE it also know with HGH or HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE or SOMATOTROPIN the essential function of the HGH is to support the growth of all body tissues but it also serve one extra major function by breaking down fat to provide energy for tissues growth. So as if growth hormone is present in your body at adequate amount it will help you to burn  fat.

The growth hormone can be increased by three important point :-
I.) good diet
ii) good workout
iii) good sleep

When you eat a balance diet which contain proper macro and micro nutrients your body will get sufficient fuel and energy to perform a intense workout sessions. A great intense workout session will imparts you  sound sleep or a deep sleep. Deep sleep result in large production of GROWTH HORMONE .Thus if your body has adequate amount of HGH it will burn more fat.


Just perform some physical activity like gymming , cardio or any outdoor sports etc it will give you the boost of HGH which will make your tissues growth more rapid and burn those unwanted stored fats.


Todays fast moving lifestyle will leading people to depend more on fast foods instead of eating clean and healthy diet. They prefer more food like  burger , pizza , cold drinks ,soft  drinks etc .
These types of food contains trans fat, simple sugar etc which leads to weight gain more easily.


Replace the junk food with good amount of protein , healthy fats , complex carbohydrates , vegetables , fruits etc. Eating these will surely help you to loose those extra weight you have gained.


There are some people who eat good , do exercise and stay away from junk foods but they are still overweight. This is due to the bad genetic they have received from there parents. It is a fact that if your parents are having obesity it is 80% chance that you will suffer from obesity too.
Genetic affect our appetite, satiety, metabolism , food craving etc.


If you fall under this category don’t be upset you still can loose weight just consult with a nutritionist and personal trainer to design a customised diet and workout plan for you and you should have to strictly follow it.


Modern world is a competitive world , every one is moving fast as could as he can , this is resulting a huge stress over them. This stress is creating a hormonal imbalance within a body by releasing a too much of cortisol hormone which is an stress hormone whose main functions is to encourage body to store fat  thus high stress is resulting in huge fat storage in body.

eliminate the stress from your life try to enjoy little good moments with your friends and family to minimise these stress hormone to dominate. 

Start following these tips you will be surely benefited. You not have to be great to start you have to be start to be great. Just start by taking baby steps than move on to bigger one ,you will be surely  proud on you after transforming your physique.

For training and guidance visit                       

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