Tuesday, 12 December 2017


A key nutrients and most dense calories nutrients is fat. To human life fat is most crucial as it performs many physiological and hormonal function.

Fat provides us with energy for long period of exercise but exercise intensity have to be lower for oxygen present to burn it. FAT is also an essential sources of energy for reproduction , growth and increased demands on physical activity.

Fat is most calories dense as it yield 9 calories for each gram of fat.
Fats are mainly two types :-
1. stored fat
2. essential fat


Stored fats are stored beneath our skin in adipose tissues as in a  form of fat cells which is a store house of energy for future use. A little amount of this fat is necessary to protect the organs from injury as it offers a cushioning surface. but excess of it will make you look fatty with loose skin covering your body.


Essential fats are stored in bone marrow, heart, kidney , liver and nervous system. These organ can not function correctly without a certain amount of essential fats.
They are called essential as our body can not produce it on it's own thus we have to supply it through our diet or supplementation.

athlete male needs 6 to 13 % body fat
athlete female needs 12 to 20 % of body fat

Bonus tips :-

1.The body finds fat as the most difficult nutrients to use as energy.The body will only use fat to burn as a last resort and that is why it is difficult to lose.

2.Eat your fats in moderate

3. eat good fats . (unsaturated fats like nuts,seeds , avocado etc)

4.don't eat much of carbohydrate which your body not required as extra amount of carbohydrate is converted to fat by body to use it latter for energy.

visit www.physiqueengineer.in
a must watch video on fish oil (essential fats) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeWcn7DICbc&t=1s

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