Monday, 4 December 2017

Dietary fibre

Dietary fibre
It  refers to the indigestible carbohydrates found in fruits , vegetables, grains and nuts. Dietary fibre is not found in meat and diary products.

There is also a functional fibre which consist of non digestible carbohydrates that have beneficial physiological effect.

The total fibre is the some of the dietary fibre and functional fibre .

Manly Fibre is any non-digestible, plant-derived carbohydrate that comes in two forms- 
2. insoluble.

Both form of fibre are not absorbed into the blood stream and so are excreted from the body.Fiber is a very important part of our daily diet  the body need both of these sources to ensure optimum health & performance . An average adult should take about 15 grams of fibre every day.

Soluble fibre 
 It get mix with water from the food you eat and result in the formation of a gel in the stomach which helps prevent unwanted food components to get absorbed by the body.
Soluble fibres are generally recommended to people suffering from diabetes or high sugar as they dissolve and keep the sugar level under control. 

key point :-
1. soluble in water 
2. forms a gel when mixed with liquid 
3. IT binds fatty acids 
4. Prolong stomach emptying so that sugar is absorbed and released slowly.
5. Helps lower cholesterol levels 
6. Helps regulated blood sugar.

example :- oats, nuts and seed , peas, apple, pears lentils , strawberries etc

 Insoluble fibre
It is known as roughage and their main function is to make the stool bulky which makes it easier to excrete. This type of fiber doesn’t break down in the gut. Skipping your daily dose of fiber may lead to constipation.Insoluble fibres help in losing weight and also maintain the smooth functioning of the gastric system.

key points :-
1. Not soluble in water 
2. Helps to move bulk through the digestive system 
3. Helps intestine balance pH level
4. Promotes regular bowl movement.

example:-whole wheat bread , brown rice, carrots, whole grain cereals etc

* While increasing your fiber intake don’t forget to keep your body well hydrated. Fiber tends to pull water into the intestines which makes it essential to increase your fluid consumption as well.

Dietary fibers have three basic  mechanisms:-

Different fibers have different effects, suggesting that a variety of dietary fibers contribute to overall health. Some fibers contribute through one  mechanism. Alternatively, many dietary fibers can contribute to health through more than one of these mechanisms.

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